At the MIND, BODY & SPIRIT FESTIVAL at Cecil College, Elkton, MD, USA, Faerie Zing fielded questions for an Interview with Faerie Michael. Thirty-five visitors participated. Most of the questions had to do with the relationship of faerie nature to human nature. A number of questions were expressions of concern for the well-being of Earth. A third kind of question had to do with faerie tea parties and gardens. Faerie Michael reminds us to "meet up with faeries in your heart", for "the lights of faerie are always within you."
At the FALL HOLISTIC OPEN HOUSE LOOP at InnerSource Wellness and Urban Regenerative Sustainability Center in Pike Creek, DE, USA, families participated in workshops on Asking the Faeries Questions, taking a Faerie Walk with a Faerie Friend, creating a Group Light-Anchoring Mandala, and co-creating Faerie Fort Portals with a Faerie Friend. For the mandala, we connected with our faerie companion, listening to our faerie companion's suggestions through our mandala-creation process.
At our FAERIE FROLIC WEEKEND CAMPOUT at Laughing Stone Hollow, Street, MD, USA, we Faerie-Assisted Manifestors practiced our Faerie Star Values through Elemental Ceremonies, workshops and group activities. Our activities included Communicating with the Faeries, Frolicking Faerie Parades, Art Journal Creation, Gaian Grounding Meditation, a Land Guardian Walk, a Drumming/Dancing Circle, Cacao Ceremony, a Fire Circle, Scavenger Hunts with the Faeries, Making Faerie Forts, and Communicating with the Sidhe.
At the MOON BLOOM MUSIC & WELLNESS RETREAT in Oswego County, NY, USA, people of all ages participated in workshops on Communicating with Faeries, Creating a Light-Anchoring Mandala, and Constructing Faerie Forts and Ceremonies. There was a Rustic Star Crafting workshop for children...who, once they grasped the concept of engineering sticks with twine, went on to manifest whatever they envisioned! Other workshops included Group Song-crafting, Cacao Ceremony, and Yoga.
At our WINTER ELF GAMES in Chesapeake City, MD, USA, we Brown Boot Companions practiced the Blessing Magic of Wands, called in our partner Elf/Faerie, and stomped love joyously back into the land. Our games: The Charge of the Elf Lovers, The Pine Cone Toss, The Obstacle Challenge, and My Elf Says. At our "Pick of the Litter" Ceremony, we shared our elf's/faerie's wisdom and were declared Honorary Elves for the Day. We received a Faerie Star sticker on our forehead! Then, indoors for Hot Chocolate and Lemon and Chocolate Cakes. Wo-la!
At our COLLABORATION WITH GAIA RETREAT on Maui, HI, USA, our activities included: Anchoring our Light Mandalas, learning Hawaiian chants, Laughter Yoga, a Sirian Rainbow Keys exercise, listening to the music of plants, a galactic crystal bowl meditation, Blessing the Waters, Regenerative Envisioning, Walking in a Shark's Shoes, Spirit Drawing, a Sacred Collaboration Meditation, a Hawaiian Cleansing Ceremony, Tree Communication, and a visit to a Sea Turtle Sanctuary. Mahalo!